Exam Questions
Exam Questions

Permissible vehicle speeds, restrictions

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Question № 11

Id: 7062
points: 3

At what speed should you drive past the tram rail switch?

    At a speed not less than indicated by the sign.
    At a safe speed.
    At a speed taking into account the speed of the tram you are passing.

Question № 12

Id: 7064
points: 3

To what place does the maximum speed indicated by this sign apply to?

    The intersection of the track.
    The nearest pedestrian crossing.
    The nearest road intersection.

Question № 13

Id: 7065
points: 3

What is the permissible speed of the tram on a road marked by this sign in a built-up area in the hours 5:00 - 23:00?

    50 km/h.
    60 km/h.
    70 km/h.

Question № 14

Id: 7066
points: 3

What is the maximum permissible speed of the tram in a built-up area in the hours 23:00 - 5:00?

    50 km/h.
    60 km/h.
    70 km/h.

Question № 15

Id: 7067
points: 3

At what speed can you drive a tram on a road marked by this sign, in a built-up area in the hours 5:00 - 23:00?

    50 km/h.
    70 km/h.
    90 km/h.

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